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Going Green: Big Things You Do That Affect the World Positively

Our world may be young but the rate in which its resources are being consumed does not match its age. In fact, the rates in which its natural resources are eaten up make it seem older than it actually is. It is a matter of fact that it is the very people that live and thrive on this Earth that are making it highly inhabitable.

It would make sense, then, that it is also us that can have a positive affect on the world. Here are a few big things that you can do to affect the world positively:

No Bottled Water

Plastic is one of the more persistent causes of damage to our environment. They wash out to sea, they stay in landfills for several decades, and they end up killing so many of our animals because they mistake it for food.

plastic bottle - Going Green: Big Things You Do That Affect the World Positively

If you actively avoid making use of bottled water and the plastic that comes with them, you can help significantly lessen the damage.

Avoiding Fast Fashion

Fast fashion is a concern that is relatively new. The speed in which clothing which is permeated with chemicals is created, bought, and disposed simply boggles the mind. A majority of this end ups in landfills or is simply discarded into rivers.

By avoiding fast fashion, you significantly lessen the amount that ends up poisoning our environment.

Eating Less Meat

Meat comes from a lot of massive plantations that dump a lot of methane into our environment. They take up a lot of space and eat up a lot of the natural resources. Eating less meat will mean that the demand for them will be significantly lower.

meat - Going Green: Big Things You Do That Affect the World Positively

We call these things big things because none of them are easy. Like gamblers who play online poker, we must understand that there are difficult decisions that are necessary in order to have the chance to get the bigger prize. What other big things would you suggest has a positive impact on the environment?